Wednesday, November 21, 2012


So we had our community wide Thanksgiving service in our town today. The scripture was Luke 7:11-21. It is about Jesus healing the ten lepers, and the one leper coming back to thank Jesus. Isn't that how we are today? So, you might remember as a small kid, your parents telling you to thank people when they do something for you. We can be like the nine other lepers, or we could be like the little kid and the one other leper, and go thank Jesus for everything he has done for us.

The pastor who did the sermon told two stories. Well, they were short testimonies. The first was of a cancer patient who, every day, would walk down the hall of the hospital, thanking officials, and saying hello to everyone else. The second story was of a surviving breast cancer patient. They took out cancer on one of her breasts, and in the process they found a lumb on the other side. So she had her family and her close friends to pray for her. And, when the doctors tried to find the bump on the other side, they said it was gone. They were puzzled, but the woman said she knew why it was gone. The thing in common with these two stories is that funding foundations came out of them.

It seems like this time of year, Christmas and Black Friday seem to overshadow what we are thankful for. What are we thankful for? We might say the norm things like "family, friends, a place to live, etc., etc., ETC." But Mandy today on the Air1 morning show made it clear. We should be thankful for our breath, that we are still living, that we are still healthy, that we have God who is there through it all. What are we really thankful for? Well, while you are having dinner with your family this Thanksgiving, remember this. God saved us, and this is a true THANKsgiving.

Now, you should know, since I LOVE music, that I should finish with a song. Well, I looked through my playlist, and it looks like I have no songa about Thanksgiving. But I do know one song. You may not think of it as Thanksgiving, but it is true!

Praise him from whom all blessings flow!
Praise him all creatures here below!
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
- the Doxology

Until Later,


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