Today's Post:
So today my cousin's boyfriend has come to help my brother move some stuff for my little niece that lives with us. She got a new dresser from her dad (long story), and we're putting it in. It's a lot of work, but when helping hands it won't take long. And in fact, it didn't!
Y'know, it hates me that I have tons of ideas yet my mind goes blank when I sit down at the computer. It's the same way when I'm going to talk to someone. I have this conversation in my head, and how it'll turn out -- I have notes, if you will. But when I go to talk to them, my mind goes blank and I get nervous, I guess. It's just me.
So the last couple of days (more like the week) I've been building stuff with my LEGOs. It's all Star Wars related, but at least it's something. I made a tank, a futuristic exploration ship, and even a couple vehicles. Here are some pics:
Alright, so a LOT of things have been happening the last couple of days/weeks. My little niece Desiree broke her leg. She pulled the TV down on herself, you know, one of those big tube-TVs. So she had rods put in her leg (her thigh) and she can't walk for another week (it's been 3 weeks since the accident). Another thing, yesterday we were going out to eat and the handle on the outside door of our van (one of those sliding doors) broke. I was pulling on it to open the door, and it broke right off. Ugh, how come bad things always happen to me? Oh yeah, and like a week or two ago, a plane crashed like just a couple yards from our Pastor's house. Really scary. Then last night, my little cousin David's face started swelling. Apparently it's something at the school he's going to. But they took him to the ER and they said it was some kind of virus. More drama. Like I said, in our house you can never go bored.
So, if I get any updates or anything happens, it'll either be on a blog post or on tomorrow's post.
Until Later,
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